Category Archives: russia

Khan Altay & adventures in Siberia!

So, I’m finally back home, and all the adventures are already beautiful memories.

And what memories! All this was, frankly, some of the most fun I’ve ever had!

And for the first time in a long time, I had some spare time to make a photo reportage in my true style again:
Pictures (sorry, these are offline for now!)

So, a big thank you goes out to everybody involved, who made it such an eventful and memorable time for me, at the festival and afterwards!

And just if you’re curious… No I didn’t play all my new tracks at the festival, since I was suspicious of the bass mixing of some of them. But I do have over hour and half of new music waiting inside my GP2X to be properly mixed and mastered… So it looks like at some time in the future, maybe next winter, there will be finally a new solo release from me. Actually I’m working on two: the one will be an album of tracks made from the start to finish on my computer with all the live tweaks and cool stuff that can be expected, and the other is the collection of the very straightforward party tunes I’ve made on the console… The first will be hopefully my best & most artistic release so far (I have three tracks in quite nice shape now already…), and the latter just some cool stuff to listen & party to, but nothing very subtle or imaginative… But anyway, more about all this later!

Right now I will have a small break in traveling to make some order in my own life, but there’s already been talks about a few parties in Israel later this autumn. So stay TUNED, and go gape at those pictures 😉 !

Also, I have new t-shirts for sale, they are 100% hand dyed & silk screen printed by me, details & pictures (they are all unique) will soon follow hopefully. And oh, they are fair trade, too (not organic, though…too bad, but it was too complex & expensive to try to find such a small batch of organic fairtrade shirts, it was always either…)

Spring hailings

OK, the long winter is now starting to be behind us, and it’s time again to shake away the crust of dust gathered in the dark times, and fix our gaze to the future, shining bright (oh, so bright!) in before of us.

What this means, of course, is that the party season has started! These are the currently (more or less) confirmed shows coming up. If you’re local, you’ll find them, no need to put more info here 😉

4.4. Antwerpen
25.4. Moscow
3.5. Izhevsk
8.5. St. Petersburg
23.5. Kiyev
25.7.  Gorno-Altaysk

And I’m sure, there will be some more coming up as we go on with the ride 😉

I would ask people to pay special attention to that last one, I believe it will be a very special occasion, since already the nature alone is a reason to consider the trip. I invite everybody to come there and share in the moment of the full solar eclipse, on the point of the Earth that is the furthest removed from the sea, in the ancient and magical lands of the Altai mountains…

Back home finally & Space of Joy 2007

So the planned three day trip was extended into two weeks, and I ended up on the 6th Sun festival for the summer solstice. It was a really magical and beautiful gathering, and I can just say thank you to the organisers who made it all possible and did such a lot of work to make it all happen.
The solstice night with all the fires, mist and just fantastic people was really special!

I hope to have pix soon online from both the parties…

!Israel date updated again!

I am playing at the Space of Joy festival in Ukraine, happening between 25.7. and 6.8.! Wow, cool, I love the Ukrainan partypeople, and the Crimean peninsula is sure beautifu 🙂

There is also an outdoor party in Israel near Jerusalem on 17.8. It probably won’t be publicly widely announced, so ask around, as usual 😉 I’m also staying for a few weeks, so if somebody wants to book me for another party, now is a prime time to save a lot on the flight prices 😉 (I think it would be fair to share them between organisers?)

The BK Family party was great, now staying here for a while…

Thanks for everybody involved in last weekends’s festival for the BK Family’s 6 years celebration. I have some fantastic photographs from there, I’ll have to see when I can upload them.The thing is, I’m now staying for a while in Moscow, and I would be happy to play in some parties. So if somebody wants get a genuine Aavepyora live, it’s now possible and also quite cheap since I’m already here and don’t need a visa or train ticket 😉 Contact me at my email for discussions about the details…

Also, there has now been talks about a party in Israel in August, and some parties in Ukraine later this summer: keep tuned…

-love, Kim

Ukraine was great, coming up Russia again.

The party near Kiev with Eraser & Yöjalka (& of course all the Ukrainian artists!) was fabulous, the morning was some of the best ever for me, especially the second set in the chill-out…
A million thanks to all the people who took care of me & travelled with me, it was such a great time 🙂 Pictures from the party are here. I have also some video, which I hope to upload next week. But first…

There is a party near Moscow this weekend, but since it’s not publicly announced, I can’t tell the details. But ask around, I’m sure it will be fantastic 😉

There has also been talks about a party near Moscow in the end of June, and a few parties in Ukraine and maybe Israel later this summer… But we will see.

And what else is going on? I just moved back to the capital from the countryside because my school ended, I’m a bit paralyzed by all the “civilization”… This is not the life I want to live anymore… Anyway, I made a nice gallery of my artwork and the things I’ve been working on at Deviantart, check it out!

All the music projects are frozen since my headphones are broken, and there is not really space to set up the speakers and not really even the computer in my small room where I’m staying for the summer. So, heh, please some big organiser book me and pay me a lot of money so I can buy new headphones and monitor speakers 😀 Because otherwise I have no idea when I can next continue with my music. And I want to.

Goddess Guerrilla is almost sold out, there’s only a few copies left so if you want it, you’d better hurry…

But anyway there will be a compilation this summer with some tracks from me from the last year, and also some other people I’m now talking about it with. Target release schedule is sometime in July.

I also still want to put up all my Psycle & Dreamstation project files, but me & the webmaster are so busy that I don’t know when I can do it…

Anyway, it’s silly to sit at the computer when it’s such a perfect summer weather out there! Go and enjoy it! 😉

Party near Kiev, Systo, future plans…

Hi, there is a great party coming up in Kiev on the 19th. Eraser vs Yöjalka is also coming, so if you miss this you’ll be sorry for the rest of the month 😉

Also sorry for not showing up at Systo, I had some serious confusion with some practical issues, and after talks with thte organiser, had to cancel the party at a last moment. BUT there might be some other parties coming up in Russia very soon, so stay tuned!

Also considering my previous post about piracy… What the hell. I decided that closing up is not the way to go, and I decided to create the world’s first open source music project. So as soon as we can fix them up, I’ll have ALL my previous music (except for the remixes which are negotiated by me with the bands and contain copyrighted material that I can’t obviously offer publicly) up for download in the sequencers’ formats…

So except a healthy dose of FT2, IT2, Dreamstation and Psycle files very soon here 🙂 There will be also some old tunes that I never got up to releasing, maybe somebody will find them interesting, or remix them, or

Butterfly Effect party went great & a word about piracy…

Thanks for all the wonderful people at Australian Vibes, the place was just surreal, and I had a really good time there. Special thanks to everybody who took care of me, kept me fed, supplied with tea & so on, you know who you are!

Also some words about piracy:
I love when people copy my tracks around, that’s why we have this site, first of all! But what I do NOT respect is, when people ask money for it. There’s a lot of Russian MP3 shops selling my albums, which is first of all absurd because here the music is free, and secondly, commercial use of these tracks is forbidden by the license. Too bad that it’s practically impossible to take legal action against this kind of activity in Russia :/
Also, I heard of a record shop that is selling my CDs in Moscow for a pretty expensive price. The idea of somebody profiting from my 10 years of free voluntary work makes me quite sad and angry.

So what this means is, that my next album will not probably be available for free. I will manufacture a normal CD, and people have to pay to get the music. I’m a little bothered by this idea, but I just can’t allow some dishonest people profiting from work made by the goodwill of others… I’m working on the details now, but probably it will be self-published, unless I get a sensible offer from some label. (wink, wink…)

Also, we’re working on free full quality WAV versions of at least the latest albums. I hope this would cut the market from the pirate releases… We’ll just have to see if the server can handle it. I also probably will put up all my Psycle, Dreamstation and Impulse Tracker files at some point, for people to take a look at the tracks, make remixes and so on.

Stay tuned!

& See you everybody at Systo-palty gathering in two weeks! It will be fantastic!! (mm bringing my new tracks with me this time to try them out a bit<g>)


Autumn 2006 AVP party extragavanza

Hmm sorry this is very late again, but I had some problems updating the site. Anyway:

The party Kellokoneisto organised in Gent  last friday went great, and I hope to have a few pictures up maybe next week. A big thank you to all the Belgian trance people and all who took care of me during the trip, and of course Max & co who made it possible in the first place 🙂

I am also playing with Celluloid Dmage in Moscow on Saturday 30.09., that is, the day after tomorrow. Ask around for more info, can’t give any info here now since I don’t have any 😛 Goddess Guerrilla CDs will be available so pack some extra doubloons with you to partake in the booty 😀

Love & light (as all ways), Kim <3