Category Archives: News

Fast Forward The Future

I finally got a grip on myself and decided to fix the various problems the site has had for over a decade or so. Everything is now hosted on a dedicated server so I’m in full control. All of the broken links to the older albums should be fixed now. In the sound design and music tutorials there’s still a few missing files, but mostly everything should work by now.

It’s also, incidentally, the 20th anniversary of our (I’m still using the plural, although no one else has been active since 2006/7, because I don’t think nobody ever quit) website.

Continue reading Fast Forward The Future

320kbps free streaming available now on Audius

The title says it all. Audius is a quite promising new streaming service. I’m not sure how relevant the whole basis on a blockchain is, and what real world problems it’s realistically solving, but the fact is that for now it’s the only service I know of where an artist can get his or her music streamed in high quality 320kbps for free, without any upload time limits.

I have uploaded most of my released music there already, enjoy!

A Home In The Stars EP

I’ve been quite busy with my thesis and the Complete Discography project for the last two years, so there hasn’t been much time for new music. But I’ve been finishing off old things, so I can make space for something more novel. Here’s two tracks that I started two years ago, along with some remixes I’ve made of my older music:

Rest assured, I have a lot of new ideas cooking, time will tell when I have something finished to show. I hope to have at least a two track EP out from my new project by the end of the year, but we’ll see.

The Complete Discography project was a great success, thank you to everybody who contributed. Creating the stems for my old tracks was a much more daunting process than I initially expected. I must have spent somewhere near 200 hours on that one, but I’m really happy we did it together! Having those stems is a good thing for me, because now I can remaster some of my old tracks that, to be honest, don’t sound that good because at that time I didn’t have a very clear idea about mastering music.

Autumn, Katso kukkaa is free to download now.

Not a lot of happening on the surface, but rest assured that I am working on a ton of new music presently!

Katso Kukkaa is now pay-what-you-want on Bandcamp, so you can has it for free also.

Some parties might be coming up as always, and party organisers make note: this winter I will give discounted rates to nice warm places 😉 The winter starts to be imminent, and I need to get away for at least a bit…

We have spring.

Yes, it’s here, welcome back, life!

And welcome also the new album! The music is done, it’s paid, and now just finishing the sleeve graphics so it can be printed. I’m soo happy 😀 I believe it will be available before June already…

I’m now looking for parties to play and go travelling next summer, I have time from the 23th of June to the beginning of August… So organisers feel free to contact me for details about payment etc 🙂

Also, the first two weeks of June are possible between 1.6. and 16.6.

So, let’s make this one crazy, mad party summer together!

Space Camp Gathering 2012

OK, first party for this summer confirmed, I’ll be playing at Space Camp Gathering in Russia! It seems like a really nice festival, so people at that direction make some space (ahem) in your calendar 🙂

Space Camp Gathering 2012 flyer

I will also most probably come to Israel in the spring, but the details are not yet closed. But if it happens, I can tell the lineup will blow some minds 😀

And the new album? Well basically it’s ready, now I just need to listen to the tracks at different places, and hope to try them out at some parties, before I send it to the press… Now saving also money so finally there will be a pro quality product available 🙂 Still not sure about the CD for Kotiin haltiakansan luo, since I’m not happy with the sound, so maybe the people who donated for that, get the new album first before anybody else, or something, I will see… And maybe if I manage to remaster all the tracks, I might make some small run on that too later, I’ll have to see.

Season’s greetings

Hey, just some update about what’s going on right now.

I made that donation for Finnish ancient forests, 500€ from the latest gig fee + generous donations from friends made the fact happen that approx. 1000m^2 of Finnish old growth forest will be protected! Thank you everybody who made this happen!

Trance.lation goes as such: “Kim Åke has done a donation to Luonnonperintösäätiö, by which 1000m2 of Finnish ancient forest is going to be protected. The fund aquires permanent protection to all of the forests under it’s ownership. Luonnonperintösäätiö thansk you warmly for your donation for endangered forests in their natural state.”

The new album is going on great, I hope it would be a new Goddess Guerrilla, I have for the first time in six years or so comfortable space for working and mixing, and I’ve been getting some proper analog gear so I think it’s something to look forward to! ETA somtime next spring/summer.

I have also been doing remasters of many old tracks that are unplayable because of bad sound/mixing, I was thinking of making a separete release of them, once I have enough…

The CD version of Kotiin haltiakansan luo is finally happening, but I want still to work on some of the tracks… The quality is still not up to the level that would warrant a proper CD release. So keep waiting 🙂 I think this might be out in the spring too. Or then maybe make a double release from that and the new album? Will have to see.

It’s 21.12. soon, that means the winter solstice and the end of the world/dawn of a new era/doomsday of foil hat people… So light some candles and tell people they are beautiful, we need to support each other in the middle of this most dark time of the year! (yeah still waiting for snow here this year….)