Category Archives: Clothes

New t-shirt models on sale!

New t-shirts are available! I have a small additional batch of 10 totally unique shirts with tie dye colours and hand stenciled organic white and GOLD patterns.

These are now sold out!


Ja kiitos kaikki ihanat ihmiset myös tämän kuun bileistä, on ollut ERI hauxaa soitella kotomaassakin välillä 🙂

AVP in Hungary

Party people of Hungay: prepare for a night of great Finnish musíc!

And when, travelling, remember to aviod flying! I do, so I take the long route to Budapest through Tallinn & Warsaw with a bus & train… And train travelling is anyway more fun than flying, even if you don’t consider the obvious environmental benefits. We are standing on a thresholf of a new time & possibilities, and the time for decisions is NOW! Everybody should do what they can to protect the Mother Earth.

Also, new t-shirts are available, there is a limited set of about 25 fair trade t-shirts hand printed by me! Price will be 25€ + postage, so they are going dirt cheap! There are also available a few of the fair trade hand tie-dyed & printed t-shirts I made in the summer… But there’s only a few left so I won’t even post any pics, just ask from me at parties, they cost 30€…

Khan Altay & adventures in Siberia!

So, I’m finally back home, and all the adventures are already beautiful memories.

And what memories! All this was, frankly, some of the most fun I’ve ever had!

And for the first time in a long time, I had some spare time to make a photo reportage in my true style again:
Pictures (sorry, these are offline for now!)

So, a big thank you goes out to everybody involved, who made it such an eventful and memorable time for me, at the festival and afterwards!

And just if you’re curious… No I didn’t play all my new tracks at the festival, since I was suspicious of the bass mixing of some of them. But I do have over hour and half of new music waiting inside my GP2X to be properly mixed and mastered… So it looks like at some time in the future, maybe next winter, there will be finally a new solo release from me. Actually I’m working on two: the one will be an album of tracks made from the start to finish on my computer with all the live tweaks and cool stuff that can be expected, and the other is the collection of the very straightforward party tunes I’ve made on the console… The first will be hopefully my best & most artistic release so far (I have three tracks in quite nice shape now already…), and the latter just some cool stuff to listen & party to, but nothing very subtle or imaginative… But anyway, more about all this later!

Right now I will have a small break in traveling to make some order in my own life, but there’s already been talks about a few parties in Israel later this autumn. So stay TUNED, and go gape at those pictures 😉 !

Also, I have new t-shirts for sale, they are 100% hand dyed & silk screen printed by me, details & pictures (they are all unique) will soon follow hopefully. And oh, they are fair trade, too (not organic, though…too bad, but it was too complex & expensive to try to find such a small batch of organic fairtrade shirts, it was always either…)

Shirts almost sold out + gig in Israel!

Ok, the tees are going fast, so if you want to have one for yourself, better drop the order soon! Goddess Guerrilla CD is still delayed, the summer is just _too_ busy…

Something very special is happening in Israel in the beginning of August, locals should keep their ears open 😉 It’s all arranged and happening unless the current political situation turns too bad… Let’s all hope for some peaceful solution soon, there has already been too many deaths on both sides! Anyway, the party is held in a very peaceful part of the country so there should be no problems 🙂

Also thanks to everybody who was present at Reclaim The Streets Turku! Here’s some pix.

OK, I’m moving to a craft school to study historic crafts for next year so I’m not sure what will happen to AVP meanwhile, I’m sure I have my hands full of projects there, but I hope to keep writing music and have another album ready for 2007… OTOH, one certain old AVP member has become more active again, and is showing some very nice new material, keep tuned 😉