Category Archives: parties

Hippie Tipi & Puzzle Effect 7.-8.-12.

I have some new music I wrote as Summamutikka that I tried out already at Kosmos and Lost in Summertime earlier this year, cool to see how they work out this time 🙂 I haven’t been terribly active writing trance, as I’ve been writing an album of more slow, organic music under a new project name. Anyway, I have all the classics coming up, and possibly a few small new bits.

Oh, and 8.12. is “The day of Finnish music” officially in Finland. So, what could be a more suitable day?-)

Wintertime love

I am back now from Israel, thanks Lau Lau for making my first hardware live with analog electronics happen! Too bad about the police… I still  had a great time. Work on the new album is ongoing, I strongly believe it will be out in the summer at the latest.

I will have to see if I have the courage to fly with the equipment again, now I had some serious damage on the way back, even though everything was packed in a flightcase…


Winter’s end

…Is almost at hand, and I’m excitedly waiting if some crazy adventures and parties are to happen this spring & summer again.

First up: Tribal Dance in Moscow, on 28th of March

Lineup on the mainstage is:
Summamutikka (yes, I’ll be playing mostly a goa set and a lot of old material from the early 2000s!)
Spuge User
Renegade Master

There’s also a dark stage, for those who care.


In Finland, on the 14th of March there’s Trancelestial Vortex, an evening of pure goa trance. Very much recommended if you’re around!


Otherwise, what’s up? Well, I quit my job and moved to the countryside to a small house from the mid-19th century, so now I have a lot of time for music. I’m working on new tracks all the time, so everything goes as planned, there will be a ton of new music coming out in the next few years…

Far Corners of Goa @ Club Darkside, Helsinki

Ookooooo! Huomenna Darksidessä vanhan koulun goaa ja suomisoundia, ite meinaan vetää varmaan jotain uusia folkkipainotteisia stygejä kokeeksi ja kevään kunniaksi tuolla!

xx-21:30 Laitetaan mätöt kiukaalle valmiiks ja lämmitetään mesta tanssikuntoon….
21:30-22:30 Mussa Kussa
22:30-23:30 Hystereo Psychovsky
23:30-00:30 Paul Eye
00:30-01:30 Omitomi
01:30-02:30 Aavepyörä
02:30-03:30 Ridge Mättökiuas

Siellä sitten, sisään vaivaiset 5€ 🙂

This spring

I’ll be playing in a very exciting goa party by Buddha Project in Israel with Transwave and Radical Distortion on 26.4. (wow, they even got the Finnish lettering right<g>)


Also, very probably I’ll be at Systo this year again after… What!? Really, five years. Time goes so fast, that festival too feels like yesterday. So, 8.-13.5., this is what’s happening:


That’s all for now.

Oh. And working on new music again, so much fun! Goa meets 70s space synthesizer music meets psychedelic folk meets Commodore 64 SID tunes meets italo meets… Whatever! I think this will be a very exciting album indeed 😉

Aura of Goa 23.11. @ Club Venue

Yeaaaaai, Ticon pelasi aika varman päälle, ei noissa biiseissä paljon riskejä tai taiteellisia vapauksia otettu, mutta toimi silti niinkuin sveitsiläinen kello 🙂 Todellinen voittaja oli joka tapauksessa itselleni Darth Phader, ysärin alkupuolen proto-trance oli jotain aivan mahtavaa, sääli etten kuullut setistä kun lopun. Ja Golanin lopetus oli kanssa aivan mahtava, hauska kuulla goaakin goabileisä välillä.

Itse soitin sekaisin matskua uudelta albumilta ja lisäksi uudelleenmasteroituja versioita vanhoista Summamutikan biiseistä, joista olen siivonnut hermoille käyvää pilipalimeininkiä vähän pois… Noistakin ehkä tulossa joku julkaisu joskus, kun ehdin vähän kokeilemaan noita bileissä. Kiitos kaikille läsnäolleille energioista tanssilattialla!

Thank you Floopy & the desert 16.11.!

So, shame about the situation, but for those few who came, it was still a great party, I had fun playing a lot of old material that I never play usually, and also new mixes of old Summamutikka tracks (I believe there’s a release coming of those sometime in the future…). And also it was great hearing for once something like 12 hours of pure oldschool goa only!

I have a few pics, I’ll upload them when I get back home.


Small things

Trance’n’Dance seems to be cancelled from my part, but I very much am still coming to Kupalenki. And possibly, another party in Ukraine one week after that, we’ll see…

I added one new video, a reportage of our (when we still were a group) attendance at a Reclaim The Streets party in Lahti, Finland, 2002… Some good memories, head over to the video section to find that.

TOMORROW! The albums arrive…