Category Archives: Israel

Hippie Tipi & Puzzle Effect 7.-8.-12.

I have some new music I wrote as Summamutikka that I tried out already at Kosmos and Lost in Summertime earlier this year, cool to see how they work out this time 🙂 I haven’t been terribly active writing trance, as I’ve been writing an album of more slow, organic music under a new project name. Anyway, I have all the classics coming up, and possibly a few small new bits.

Oh, and 8.12. is “The day of Finnish music” officially in Finland. So, what could be a more suitable day?-)

Wintertime love

I am back now from Israel, thanks Lau Lau for making my first hardware live with analog electronics happen! Too bad about the police… I still  had a great time. Work on the new album is ongoing, I strongly believe it will be out in the summer at the latest.

I will have to see if I have the courage to fly with the equipment again, now I had some serious damage on the way back, even though everything was packed in a flightcase…


Katso kukkaa price now 1€

OK, I decided to drop the price of the download, so now the album is practically free, and of course if you want the CD, you can pay more (you can also pay more, if you want to secure me an incredibly comofrtable, easy life).

So check out the Bandcamp page for lossless FLAC downloads and also OGG for all high quality portable players!

The new album is proceeding at a good pace, a lot of epic acid goa and roots folk trance flowing out of the analog gear, but more about that later… Next possibilities to hear some of the new sounds coming up in Russia and Israel in the weeks soon to come 🙂

Oh, and there’s the Walk About Love again, I’ll be there for one week after the Buddha Project party, I welcome all gentle and free spirits to join the odyssey once again!

This spring

I’ll be playing in a very exciting goa party by Buddha Project in Israel with Transwave and Radical Distortion on 26.4. (wow, they even got the Finnish lettering right<g>)


Also, very probably I’ll be at Systo this year again after… What!? Really, five years. Time goes so fast, that festival too feels like yesterday. So, 8.-13.5., this is what’s happening:


That’s all for now.

Oh. And working on new music again, so much fun! Goa meets 70s space synthesizer music meets psychedelic folk meets Commodore 64 SID tunes meets italo meets… Whatever! I think this will be a very exciting album indeed 😉

Thank you Floopy & the desert 16.11.!

So, shame about the situation, but for those few who came, it was still a great party, I had fun playing a lot of old material that I never play usually, and also new mixes of old Summamutikka tracks (I believe there’s a release coming of those sometime in the future…). And also it was great hearing for once something like 12 hours of pure oldschool goa only!

I have a few pics, I’ll upload them when I get back home.



Hello every bodies!

The re-pressing of the CD has been delayed again, now I have all the funds but for several weeks my computer has been broken, now waiting to fix that so I can prepare the new masters. So probably it will be already December when I finally can start selling the album. But let’s hope the sales will be running before we run out of world on the 21st…

I made a playlist for videos of my shows, and now am missing horribly the summer-y festival atmosphere… Lucky me, next weekend on the 16th in Israel there will be a special oldschool party, I have made some remixes of old Summamutikka tracks for that one… So prepare for deluxe morning acid mayhem!

Also, found this interview from the Amanita party with Pleiadians. Ouch, listen at heawy acssent 😀

Aavepyora, Quirk/ Mark Allen, Terrafractyl, Hypnagog 23.3., Israel

OK, back to the holy land, 23.3. Lau Lau presents a really cool lineup, and I will present around two hours of new music, along with some popular old ones probably 😉

Space Camp Gathering… Space Odyssey… What next? What’s the third space party this year?? We live and we see 😉 I don’t know myself, but I’m sure something beautiful is on the way!

Also, I have created a Soundcloud page. There you will probably find work-in-progress tracks, maybe remixes of old tracks, and so on… So it will pay to check that out now and again! For now there are two new versions made with my new analog synths of tracks from Kotiin haltiakansan luo, that I was not happy at all about when the album was released. Also some sneak peeks at the new album can be heard there 🙂

And the new album? Definitely coming out before summer, I have already concluded most talks with the printing house, I think we will see something very special indeed, and finally a professional printed CD that will last for decades hopefully!

That’s all for now, love & light forever!!! – Kim :;)

Space Camp Gathering 2012

OK, first party for this summer confirmed, I’ll be playing at Space Camp Gathering in Russia! It seems like a really nice festival, so people at that direction make some space (ahem) in your calendar 🙂

Space Camp Gathering 2012 flyer

I will also most probably come to Israel in the spring, but the details are not yet closed. But if it happens, I can tell the lineup will blow some minds 😀

And the new album? Well basically it’s ready, now I just need to listen to the tracks at different places, and hope to try them out at some parties, before I send it to the press… Now saving also money so finally there will be a pro quality product available 🙂 Still not sure about the CD for Kotiin haltiakansan luo, since I’m not happy with the sound, so maybe the people who donated for that, get the new album first before anybody else, or something, I will see… And maybe if I manage to remaster all the tracks, I might make some small run on that too later, I’ll have to see.

Amanita prod. 25.9.

Hi, sorry about the latest… One would be inclined to think that there are worse criminals on loose than us, but apparently that is not so.

Anyway, great work from Ori & friends to arrange the afterparty, and great sets from Roy & Max too. Also a big thank you to all the people on the dancefloor, you were amazing! Amazing eneries, despite all that happened… But there’s always the next time!

The new album is basically done with most of the artwork and everything, it just needs a bit of adjustment, and need to go mix it somewhere since it’s done on headphones mostly 😛