Category Archives: Albums

A Home In The Stars EP

I’ve been quite busy with my thesis and the Complete Discography project for the last two years, so there hasn’t been much time for new music. But I’ve been finishing off old things, so I can make space for something more novel. Here’s two tracks that I started two years ago, along with some remixes I’ve made of my older music:

Rest assured, I have a lot of new ideas cooking, time will tell when I have something finished to show. I hope to have at least a two track EP out from my new project by the end of the year, but we’ll see.

The Complete Discography project was a great success, thank you to everybody who contributed. Creating the stems for my old tracks was a much more daunting process than I initially expected. I must have spent somewhere near 200 hours on that one, but I’m really happy we did it together! Having those stems is a good thing for me, because now I can remaster some of my old tracks that, to be honest, don’t sound that good because at that time I didn’t have a very clear idea about mastering music.

Autumn, Katso kukkaa is free to download now.

Not a lot of happening on the surface, but rest assured that I am working on a ton of new music presently!

Katso Kukkaa is now pay-what-you-want on Bandcamp, so you can has it for free also.

Some parties might be coming up as always, and party organisers make note: this winter I will give discounted rates to nice warm places 😉 The winter starts to be imminent, and I need to get away for at least a bit…

Katso kukkaa, now available in Russia

Copies of the album have been left to Boogie Shop, so altough the album is not listed on the webpage, it should be available from them for 400ryb. So this is over half cheaper than ordering straight from me!

Also, thank you Buddha Project, thank you Walk About Love, thank you Space of Joy for the recent parties! And of course always the brightest rays of love shine on the dancers, who take part in the sharing of energy every time!

Ja Suomessahan Helsingissä levyä saa edelleen Asematunnelin Cyber Shopista 10€ hintaan.

Katso kukkaa price now 1€

OK, I decided to drop the price of the download, so now the album is practically free, and of course if you want the CD, you can pay more (you can also pay more, if you want to secure me an incredibly comofrtable, easy life).

So check out the Bandcamp page for lossless FLAC downloads and also OGG for all high quality portable players!

The new album is proceeding at a good pace, a lot of epic acid goa and roots folk trance flowing out of the analog gear, but more about that later… Next possibilities to hear some of the new sounds coming up in Russia and Israel in the weeks soon to come 🙂

Oh, and there’s the Walk About Love again, I’ll be there for one week after the Buddha Project party, I welcome all gentle and free spirits to join the odyssey once again!

Katso kukkaa digital downloads available on Bandcamp

The whole album can be now listened to at the Bandcamp Aavepyörä page.

Vien kanssa tänään Cyber Shopiin Asematunneliin vihdoin noita vaihtolevyjä ihmisille jotka ostivat pätkivän version. Saatte kassalta pyytämällä ilmaiseksi korvaavan ykköslevyn, ei tartte kuitteja tms olla, päätän nyt luottaa ihmisiin tämän verran 🙂

Katso kukkaa for sale again!

Yes, yes, yea!

The new pressing has arrived, and the order info for Katso kukkaa is again up at the album page.

So the album is for sale again!

I will start mailing replacements to the people who ordered the album in the summer in the next days, I will contact all people first to ensure the mailing addresses are still the same.

Collector notice: there were about 40 discs sent out with the flowers in the few days I had the sales up in the summer. The older albums like Aarnimaa and Goddess Guerrilla are going for insane prices now from what I’ve heard, so you might want to consider putting those albums in a safe place 😉

Vien kanssa myöhemmin tällä viikolla Cyber Shopiin ja Edenin puutarhaan uusia levyjä myyntiin, sekä vaihtolevyjä niille, jotka ostivat kesällä viallisen. Päivitän erikseen sitten kun tavara on kaupassa.


Yes, finally the stars are right, and all stuffs are at the factory. I had to change the manufacturing plant for this second batch, and I was lazy too, so this took a bit long.
They announced from the factory, that the CDs should arrive at my doorstep on either the first or second week of January, it’s hard to predict on holiday season accurately…

But, I guess I’m feeling generous again, I will just ship replacements to all who bought the damaged version, for free. So no need to write up to me or antything, I will mail out the new versions to all customers as soon as I can!


Hello every bodies!

The re-pressing of the CD has been delayed again, now I have all the funds but for several weeks my computer has been broken, now waiting to fix that so I can prepare the new masters. So probably it will be already December when I finally can start selling the album. But let’s hope the sales will be running before we run out of world on the 21st…

I made a playlist for videos of my shows, and now am missing horribly the summer-y festival atmosphere… Lucky me, next weekend on the 16th in Israel there will be a special oldschool party, I have made some remixes of old Summamutikka tracks for that one… So prepare for deluxe morning acid mayhem!

Also, found this interview from the Amanita party with Pleiadians. Ouch, listen at heawy acssent 😀

Katso kukkaa, the new double album, finally out!

There it is! My latest labour of love, and arguably my finest album to date! Check it out under the music section.

Ordering is closed now until August while I’m travelling. Meanwhile in Helsinki you can buy the album for 12€ from Edenin puutarha (Uudenmaankatu 33) and Cyber Shop in the main railway station.

Edenin puutarhasta kanssa käsintehdyt suklaat, yrttiteet yms herqut! Suosittelen 🙂