Category Archives: videos


Hello every bodies!

The re-pressing of the CD has been delayed again, now I have all the funds but for several weeks my computer has been broken, now waiting to fix that so I can prepare the new masters. So probably it will be already December when I finally can start selling the album. But let’s hope the sales will be running before we run out of world on the 21st…

I made a playlist for videos of my shows, and now am missing horribly the summer-y festival atmosphere… Lucky me, next weekend on the 16th in Israel there will be a special oldschool party, I have made some remixes of old Summamutikka tracks for that one… So prepare for deluxe morning acid mayhem!

Also, found this interview from the Amanita party with Pleiadians. Ouch, listen at heawy acssent 😀

Small things

Trance’n’Dance seems to be cancelled from my part, but I very much am still coming to Kupalenki. And possibly, another party in Ukraine one week after that, we’ll see…

I added one new video, a reportage of our (when we still were a group) attendance at a Reclaim The Streets party in Lahti, Finland, 2002… Some good memories, head over to the video section to find that.

TOMORROW! The albums arrive…


Hey, I finally managed to upload this, it’s a new video made already some time ago by a friend of mine for her school project. The music is from Jani. It’s great work, and should make everybody think at least a bit… Because we all are trapped in this same cage right now, however free-thinking and -acting we imagine ourselves to be…
