Category Archives: Pictures

Trimurti 2011

Trimurti was absolutely fantastic! Thank you everybody for the incredible energy and response during my both sets, the mainfloor on the morning was a total blast, straight on hyperspace stuff 😀

Pictures are up at the parties section, take a look!

Also, WTF Trimurti != Trishula, I remembered I was at Trimurti last year too, but that was Trishula :D:D I’m so stoopid. But was the location the same? It looked the same definitely at least 😛

Well, now it’s back to slooowly, ever so slowly working on the new album, and the usual summer lazyness & stuff. I’m maybe coming later this year to Israel too, so keep an eye on those fliers!

Pictures section updated

OK, I spent an utterly boring afternoon and uploaded hudreds of pictures from all the parties in the recent years. Still need to do a few, but they’re almost all there! Enjoy and try to find yourself in as many pix as possible!

What else? All the planned parties for this summer have been cancelled, which is a shame, especially since I have been on counting on getting that money and spending accordingly. And I want to travel! So all prospective party organisers make note 😉

I finally also have more time now that I’ve graduated, so I’ve been thinking of releasing all my Psycle files for people who are interested in remixes and such. I don’t know though how much of use those files are, since the songs use a lot VSTs that people probably don’t have, and the worst of all because of the way Psycle handles automation, replacing the missing ones with something else will lead into the old automation still being redirected to the new machines, which gives for some interesting random effects… And since the automation data is interspersed with the note data in the patterns, removing the automation takes a lot of time too.

Still, I want to do that! I’ve also made new versions of some of my old tracks that I thought need reworking… I’ll think of how to release them, maybe make an own Bandcamp page just for the new versions so they’re easy to find and I’ll keep the old albums as a kind of snapshots of the time when I released them…

That’s all, have a nice day and remember to love your garden! And if you don’t have one, get one, it’s great 🙂

Khan Altay & adventures in Siberia!

So, I’m finally back home, and all the adventures are already beautiful memories.

And what memories! All this was, frankly, some of the most fun I’ve ever had!

And for the first time in a long time, I had some spare time to make a photo reportage in my true style again:
Pictures (sorry, these are offline for now!)

So, a big thank you goes out to everybody involved, who made it such an eventful and memorable time for me, at the festival and afterwards!

And just if you’re curious… No I didn’t play all my new tracks at the festival, since I was suspicious of the bass mixing of some of them. But I do have over hour and half of new music waiting inside my GP2X to be properly mixed and mastered… So it looks like at some time in the future, maybe next winter, there will be finally a new solo release from me. Actually I’m working on two: the one will be an album of tracks made from the start to finish on my computer with all the live tweaks and cool stuff that can be expected, and the other is the collection of the very straightforward party tunes I’ve made on the console… The first will be hopefully my best & most artistic release so far (I have three tracks in quite nice shape now already…), and the latter just some cool stuff to listen & party to, but nothing very subtle or imaginative… But anyway, more about all this later!

Right now I will have a small break in traveling to make some order in my own life, but there’s already been talks about a few parties in Israel later this autumn. So stay TUNED, and go gape at those pictures 😉 !

Also, I have new t-shirts for sale, they are 100% hand dyed & silk screen printed by me, details & pictures (they are all unique) will soon follow hopefully. And oh, they are fair trade, too (not organic, though…too bad, but it was too complex & expensive to try to find such a small batch of organic fairtrade shirts, it was always either…)

Where do you want to go this summer?

Ok, the latest parties in Belgium & Russia have been fantastic, even if the police ruined the one in Moscow, we managed to have a really nice gathering on the first of May, with special guest: Perun! 😉

Next up is Kiev in just a few days with Puoskari, Lemon Slide & the local ppl, and after that, Samara on the 13th on June…

So, it all looks like this for now:
23.-25.5. Kaleidoscope – (Kiev)
13.6. Mars Attacks! – (Samara)
25.7.-2.8. Khan Altay – (Gorno Altaysk)

And as usual, I’m talking with several people about more parties in different countries, so except updates soon!

I’ve also had problems with our server, so I can’t update the gallery. Well, maybe later…

Pictures from this summer’s parties!

OK, Space of Joy went fine, the set was one of my best, at 11 am with at least 30 degrees in the shadow, and people just still going wild!

So thank you for the organisers, all the party people, and especially all who took care of me when the sickness hit  me 😛 Phew, that was rough, but then again, I think almost everybody were sick at one point or another…

I have uploaded the pictures, and also the pix from the BK Family 6 years festival and the 6th Sun festival… In the usual place!

Next coming up the Moondrops party near Jerusalem, with Afgin, whee 😀 So all oldschool lovers, be there!

There might be a festival in Russia in the beginning of September, I saw myself already on the lineup, but the organisers haven’t really contacted me yet. I’ll try to be there, but it’s going to be tricky for several practical reasons… :/

Other than that, I finally seem to have some money saved up so I might be able to buy headphones and continue writing music 🙂 Yai! I’m continuing in my school for the next year, but I hope to do more music this coming winter… And also there is coming up the comp with some exciting tracks from me  & several friends around the globe 😉 Stay tuned, I’ll try to fix that one up after I come from Israel and get the moving to my new apartment (again….) done.

Oh and I put up some video at Youtube too… Looks crappy, I’m adding the original one to my gallery soon…