All posts by Taika-Kim


Ylläripylläri! Jos viime kerta jäi väliin, ja 26. päiväkään ei onnistu, on nyt kaikille yksi syy lisää tulla huomisen bileisiin. Ihan kun Laughing Buddhan live ja goa-retrohuone ei olisi tarpeeksi, soittaa meikäläinenkin tuolla yllärisetin 🙂 Ehkä täälläkin voi kuulla paloja uudelta levyltä…

Paikka Kaivohuone, päivä siis 19.3., lisää infoa täältä.

Kaikki mukaan, exni?

Helsinki 05.03. Aavepyörä, Huopatossu Mononen, Astroschnauzer, etc…

No siis onko edes siistiä! Viimein pitkäzä aikaa kotomaankin väellä mahdollisuus päästä kuuntelemaan aaverytmejä, ja uutta levyä siinä samalla. Paikka on Club Playground Helsingissä, päivä viides maaliskuuta. Eikä soittajalista muutenkaan kehno ole 🙂 Kipinkapin kaikki paikeille.

YES! I’m performing in Finland for the first time in at least five years I think… All friends are welcome, come experience a real winter, and enjoy some rad fennobeats too.

Aavepyora saves the world!

I have been long concerned about the negative environmental impacts of my travelling, especially flying in cases when it’s nearly impossible to do the trip otherwise, like when going to Israel.

Starting from this moment, I will now give abut 10% of my each fee for environmental conservation projects.

The first organisation to benefit with a donation of 75$ is the Altai Project , who do important work in protecting the vulnerable Altai region in Siberia. Thank you Amanita Productions & all party people for making this possible!

The reason for this choice is my travels in that area last year. I was at once awestruck by the nature, and made very sad by thinking that in the future big challenges will be met it in this area to keep the place in it’s magical condition.

The Altai Project is a part of the Earth Island institute.

Respect the source!


New unique hand made fair trade shirts are also available! Click the image for more infoez.

Amanita prod. 25.9.

Hi, sorry about the latest… One would be inclined to think that there are worse criminals on loose than us, but apparently that is not so.

Anyway, great work from Ori & friends to arrange the afterparty, and great sets from Roy & Max too. Also a big thank you to all the people on the dancefloor, you were amazing! Amazing eneries, despite all that happened… But there’s always the next time!

The new album is basically done with most of the artwork and everything, it just needs a bit of adjustment, and need to go mix it somewhere since it’s done on headphones mostly 😛

Unemployed in Summertime

Me sends a hies to you all.

What’s up? Where’s Aavepyörä?

The answer lies thus: camping in ye olde woods, staying out, avoiding the internets and travellings. I want to experience the Finnish summer this year, so no gigs for now.

But between staying out and being lazy, I’m doing 18 hour days with my new album, “Kotiin haltiakansan luo” (that’s “Back home to the elven people” for the linguistically challenged You there). It will be very good. I’m also looking for a publisher for that, beacause I’m too poor and busy to do self-publishing anymore. So, label people: contact me with insance offers of money. I might even write you back if there’s enough zeros at the end of the deal.

I’m really excited about the sound, it’s SOOO good to work on a computer again, after doing tracks on the GP2X for the whole last summer 😀

Because, really, with all the travelling in the last few years, there has been zero time for musicmaking :/ And I just need to take that chance this summer.

Tie ja vaeltaja deluxe fractal vomit edition

OK, here’s finally the remastered tracks from Tie ja vaeltaja, I put it up on Jamendo first, and it will eventually be available here too. The reason I put that up on Jamendo was that I think that they used to have a FLAC download option, but it seems that does not exist anymore :/

There’s some little surprises with some of the tracks, but basically they are the same tracks than on the original music disc, just mastered to sound better on sound systems.

In other not-so-recent news: the Atla Batla party in April was great! Sorry no pix, I don’t have an internet connection and just don’t want to spend that much time in the net. It’s evil 😛
Anyway, also no gigs this summer, I’m working a bit (leadin kids’ environmental summer camps) and also trying to work on the new album, which is about halfway done, and should be out in the winter. I’m also looking for a publisher for that one, so labels are free to contact me with insane offers of money 😉

There might be one very special party with my favourite party organisers, but more about that later…

AVP in Hungary

Party people of Hungay: prepare for a night of great Finnish musíc!

And when, travelling, remember to aviod flying! I do, so I take the long route to Budapest through Tallinn & Warsaw with a bus & train… And train travelling is anyway more fun than flying, even if you don’t consider the obvious environmental benefits. We are standing on a thresholf of a new time & possibilities, and the time for decisions is NOW! Everybody should do what they can to protect the Mother Earth.

Also, new t-shirts are available, there is a limited set of about 25 fair trade t-shirts hand printed by me! Price will be 25€ + postage, so they are going dirt cheap! There are also available a few of the fair trade hand tie-dyed & printed t-shirts I made in the summer… But there’s only a few left so I won’t even post any pics, just ask from me at parties, they cost 30€…

Aavepyora 2008 – Tie ja vaeltaja

So, the winter solstice is a few days past, and we are again on our way to the light.

The year 2008 marks a new era in free music distribution: open source music! Just like in the good old tracker days, you can now not only listen to the trax, but also examine them inside out to your heart’s content. The album “Tie ja vaeltaja” was completely created in the GP2X console, so the original tracker format is the natural choice of distribution this time.

There will be a deluxe mastered CD edition in the future, so the lazy ones will eventually be able to enjoy the music too. Go here for all the files!

A peaceful and lovely solstice time to all.

2009 will bring new adventures upon us…