All posts by Taika-Kim

Katso kukkaa, the new double album, finally out!

There it is! My latest labour of love, and arguably my finest album to date! Check it out under the music section.

Ordering is closed now until August while I’m travelling. Meanwhile in Helsinki you can buy the album for 12€ from Edenin puutarha (Uudenmaankatu 33) and Cyber Shop in the main railway station.

Edenin puutarhasta kanssa käsintehdyt suklaat, yrttiteet yms herqut! Suosittelen 🙂


Small things

Trance’n’Dance seems to be cancelled from my part, but I very much am still coming to Kupalenki. And possibly, another party in Ukraine one week after that, we’ll see…

I added one new video, a reportage of our (when we still were a group) attendance at a Reclaim The Streets party in Lahti, Finland, 2002… Some good memories, head over to the video section to find that.

TOMORROW! The albums arrive…

Summer 2012

Hiyay ninjarobots, I greet your lazer eyes with joy today!

Some festivals & parties for thee summer:

22.-24.06. @ UG, Finland, Official Eclipse 2012 Finnish warmup.

06.-09.07. Trance’n’Dance – The Ark @ Kremenchug area, Ukraine
11.-16.07. Kupalenki Festival @ Crimea, Ukraine

Stay tuned, more probably coming!

And the album, I hear your multitude of voices ask? It’s gone to the production, I should have it in a few weeks now finally in my hands!


We have spring.

Yes, it’s here, welcome back, life!

And welcome also the new album! The music is done, it’s paid, and now just finishing the sleeve graphics so it can be printed. I’m soo happy 😀 I believe it will be available before June already…

I’m now looking for parties to play and go travelling next summer, I have time from the 23th of June to the beginning of August… So organisers feel free to contact me for details about payment etc 🙂

Also, the first two weeks of June are possible between 1.6. and 16.6.

So, let’s make this one crazy, mad party summer together!

Aavepyora, Quirk/ Mark Allen, Terrafractyl, Hypnagog 23.3., Israel

OK, back to the holy land, 23.3. Lau Lau presents a really cool lineup, and I will present around two hours of new music, along with some popular old ones probably 😉

Space Camp Gathering… Space Odyssey… What next? What’s the third space party this year?? We live and we see 😉 I don’t know myself, but I’m sure something beautiful is on the way!

Also, I have created a Soundcloud page. There you will probably find work-in-progress tracks, maybe remixes of old tracks, and so on… So it will pay to check that out now and again! For now there are two new versions made with my new analog synths of tracks from Kotiin haltiakansan luo, that I was not happy at all about when the album was released. Also some sneak peeks at the new album can be heard there 🙂

And the new album? Definitely coming out before summer, I have already concluded most talks with the printing house, I think we will see something very special indeed, and finally a professional printed CD that will last for decades hopefully!

That’s all for now, love & light forever!!! – Kim :;)

Space Camp Gathering 2012

OK, first party for this summer confirmed, I’ll be playing at Space Camp Gathering in Russia! It seems like a really nice festival, so people at that direction make some space (ahem) in your calendar 🙂

Space Camp Gathering 2012 flyer

I will also most probably come to Israel in the spring, but the details are not yet closed. But if it happens, I can tell the lineup will blow some minds 😀

And the new album? Well basically it’s ready, now I just need to listen to the tracks at different places, and hope to try them out at some parties, before I send it to the press… Now saving also money so finally there will be a pro quality product available 🙂 Still not sure about the CD for Kotiin haltiakansan luo, since I’m not happy with the sound, so maybe the people who donated for that, get the new album first before anybody else, or something, I will see… And maybe if I manage to remaster all the tracks, I might make some small run on that too later, I’ll have to see.

Season’s greetings

Hey, just some update about what’s going on right now.

I made that donation for Finnish ancient forests, 500€ from the latest gig fee + generous donations from friends made the fact happen that approx. 1000m^2 of Finnish old growth forest will be protected! Thank you everybody who made this happen!

Trance.lation goes as such: “Kim Åke has done a donation to Luonnonperintösäätiö, by which 1000m2 of Finnish ancient forest is going to be protected. The fund aquires permanent protection to all of the forests under it’s ownership. Luonnonperintösäätiö thansk you warmly for your donation for endangered forests in their natural state.”

The new album is going on great, I hope it would be a new Goddess Guerrilla, I have for the first time in six years or so comfortable space for working and mixing, and I’ve been getting some proper analog gear so I think it’s something to look forward to! ETA somtime next spring/summer.

I have also been doing remasters of many old tracks that are unplayable because of bad sound/mixing, I was thinking of making a separete release of them, once I have enough…

The CD version of Kotiin haltiakansan luo is finally happening, but I want still to work on some of the tracks… The quality is still not up to the level that would warrant a proper CD release. So keep waiting 🙂 I think this might be out in the spring too. Or then maybe make a double release from that and the new album? Will have to see.

It’s 21.12. soon, that means the winter solstice and the end of the world/dawn of a new era/doomsday of foil hat people… So light some candles and tell people they are beautiful, we need to support each other in the middle of this most dark time of the year! (yeah still waiting for snow here this year….)

Aavepyörä saves the world, pt.2


I will donate my latest gig fee from the Belgium gig IN FULL to Luonnonperintösäätiö, to protect old growth forests in Finland. The sum is 300€, which totals to about 600 square meters of forest in average.
However, I will take on donations for two weeks before I pay, so you can contact me if you want to participate. (paypal, IBAN transfer)

Viulukkalampea ennen majavan tuloa. 11.6.2006 Ilpo Piiroinen.
Mäkrämäki on Luonnonperintösäätiön 28. suojelualue ja toinen Etelä-Karjalassa

More pictures from forests the organisation has thus far protected:

Every 5€ buys 10 more square meters of endangered old growth forests in Finland.

The fund I’m supporting works by buying old growth forest, and then setting it aside for protection. There’s little expenses, so most of the money actually go into buying land!

I will wait until 1.12. if other people want to participate, and then transfer 300+ all donations to the organisation.

Finland is often seen and advertised abroad as a country filled with vast wilderness areas, when in fact in southern Finland less than 0,5% of the forested areas can be considered as old growth (past the usual age of a forest “ripe” for commercial logging). And of these old growth forests, even fewer can be considered as so-called wilderness forests, where there are no signs of human activity.

In the long run, goal is to set 10% from my profits aside for purposes like this. Im recent years I’ve been so chronically poor though, that this has not been possible. So I consider this a delayed payment from the last few years 🙂

The latest (direct, it’s important!) flight to Brussels generated en estimated 370kg of co2 emissions. Old growth forests have been estimated to tie in around 2+ tonnes of co2/year/hectare. So 600m^2 is about 1/17th of a hectare, using this data I could say that the flight will be offset in less than three years. AND remember that if that same are would be felled, it would generate 12 tonnes of co2!

AND the fact that about 30% of all endangered species in Finland depend on old growth forests! AND the fact, that old forests are plain awesome! And I want to preserve awesomeness in all it’s forms 😀

And what else…? The gigs in Belgium and at Playground in Helsinki went great, it was fun to test the new tracks on the dancefloor, and play some more peaceful 8-bit style sounds for a change 🙂

The new album is progressing, still about 60% done, now been honing the tracks already finished before moving to new stuff. Style will still be closer to Kotiin haltiakansan luo, meaning more peaceful and atmospheric stuff as  opposed to my old acid tracks… BUT! I have started aquiring analog gear & am building my own modular synth, so I’ve been thinking of doing a new Summamutikka album, throwing all stupid artistic ideas away, and just make an albums worth of blasting crazy morning acid tracks 😀 And also probably make new versions of some old Summamutikka tracks, there’s some material on the albums that seriously would be playable if I just mastered it again, and added maybe some analog bubbly sounds to give some colour to Dream Station’s signature sound…

Halloween disguise party, Belgium 29.10.

This is a bit late in coming to public, but I’ll be performing in Belgium the coming weekend. I guess if you’re interested and in the area, ask around for details.

I will have some new tracks from the upcoming album, waiting forward to seeing how they work on the dancefloor 🙂

Alea Present
 October 29th
 Halloween Disguise Party
 2h live
 (Aavepyörä Records / Finland)
 (Ganja Tree Records / Belgium)
 4h dj set of the craziest Forest sounds
 Skeleton Hex naar Anoebis
 (Suntrip Records / Belgium)
 3h dj set from Forest to Suomi
 (Cronomi Records / Belgium)
 4h (Acid)trance set
 ... More to confirm ...
 Halloween Disguise Recomended 
 Decorations By G-Visions 
 Damage: TBA 
 Location:Oost vlaanderen
 Sound: Turbosound (makers van Funtion One)