Category Archives: Albums

Summer 2012

Hiyay ninjarobots, I greet your lazer eyes with joy today!

Some festivals & parties for thee summer:

22.-24.06. @ UG, Finland, Official Eclipse 2012 Finnish warmup.

06.-09.07. Trance’n’Dance – The Ark @ Kremenchug area, Ukraine
11.-16.07. Kupalenki Festival @ Crimea, Ukraine

Stay tuned, more probably coming!

And the album, I hear your multitude of voices ask? It’s gone to the production, I should have it in a few weeks now finally in my hands!


Aavepyora, Quirk/ Mark Allen, Terrafractyl, Hypnagog 23.3., Israel

OK, back to the holy land, 23.3. Lau Lau presents a really cool lineup, and I will present around two hours of new music, along with some popular old ones probably 😉

Space Camp Gathering… Space Odyssey… What next? What’s the third space party this year?? We live and we see 😉 I don’t know myself, but I’m sure something beautiful is on the way!

Also, I have created a Soundcloud page. There you will probably find work-in-progress tracks, maybe remixes of old tracks, and so on… So it will pay to check that out now and again! For now there are two new versions made with my new analog synths of tracks from Kotiin haltiakansan luo, that I was not happy at all about when the album was released. Also some sneak peeks at the new album can be heard there 🙂

And the new album? Definitely coming out before summer, I have already concluded most talks with the printing house, I think we will see something very special indeed, and finally a professional printed CD that will last for decades hopefully!

That’s all for now, love & light forever!!! – Kim :;)

Space Camp Gathering 2012

OK, first party for this summer confirmed, I’ll be playing at Space Camp Gathering in Russia! It seems like a really nice festival, so people at that direction make some space (ahem) in your calendar 🙂

Space Camp Gathering 2012 flyer

I will also most probably come to Israel in the spring, but the details are not yet closed. But if it happens, I can tell the lineup will blow some minds 😀

And the new album? Well basically it’s ready, now I just need to listen to the tracks at different places, and hope to try them out at some parties, before I send it to the press… Now saving also money so finally there will be a pro quality product available 🙂 Still not sure about the CD for Kotiin haltiakansan luo, since I’m not happy with the sound, so maybe the people who donated for that, get the new album first before anybody else, or something, I will see… And maybe if I manage to remaster all the tracks, I might make some small run on that too later, I’ll have to see.

Tie ja vaeltaja deluxe fractal vomit edition

OK, here’s finally the remastered tracks from Tie ja vaeltaja, I put it up on Jamendo first, and it will eventually be available here too. The reason I put that up on Jamendo was that I think that they used to have a FLAC download option, but it seems that does not exist anymore :/

There’s some little surprises with some of the tracks, but basically they are the same tracks than on the original music disc, just mastered to sound better on sound systems.

In other not-so-recent news: the Atla Batla party in April was great! Sorry no pix, I don’t have an internet connection and just don’t want to spend that much time in the net. It’s evil 😛
Anyway, also no gigs this summer, I’m working a bit (leadin kids’ environmental summer camps) and also trying to work on the new album, which is about halfway done, and should be out in the winter. I’m also looking for a publisher for that one, so labels are free to contact me with insane offers of money 😉

There might be one very special party with my favourite party organisers, but more about that later…

Aavepyora 2008 – Tie ja vaeltaja

So, the winter solstice is a few days past, and we are again on our way to the light.

The year 2008 marks a new era in free music distribution: open source music! Just like in the good old tracker days, you can now not only listen to the trax, but also examine them inside out to your heart’s content. The album “Tie ja vaeltaja” was completely created in the GP2X console, so the original tracker format is the natural choice of distribution this time.

There will be a deluxe mastered CD edition in the future, so the lazy ones will eventually be able to enjoy the music too. Go here for all the files!

A peaceful and lovely solstice time to all.

2009 will bring new adventures upon us…

Bizarroworld is OUT!

Yes, it’s finally here! After unimaginable computer problems and numerous other delays… Our gift to the darkness of winter.

Without further speeches: Aavepyörä and friends extremely proudly present over two hours of the best, select underground trance.

Download it, love it, and tell your friends about it…

The winter solstice is now just past, and we are heading towards light again. Before we even realize, summer will be here again!

Goddess Guerrilla

Happy Valentine’s day (well, ’tis just a coincidence, but what the heck<g>)!

The new album, Goddess Guerrilla is released, and available for free in the downloads section. Maybe it’s some kind of trance.

The album is dedicated to every being in the cosmos, especially all the nice ones. But maybe those who have a damaged soul, will be healed by this a bit too. Playing this music is an active ritual to restore all balance in time & this universe. I don’t know if it works.

elektro fluoro punx

Noniin apinaihmiset: kengät pois, tukka auki, tanssihymy naamalle ja ruohikkoon hyppimään- uusi hartaasti odotettu (ja viilattu!) levy on nyt vihdoin valmis ja saatavilla. Koska niille kuitenkin on kysyntää, on oikea fyysinen levykin on tulossa kunhan kansihässäkkä saadaan selvitettyä. Jatkoa seurannee ainakin loppukesästä, pysykää taajuuksilla ja nautikaa ensin nyt tästäkin!

EFP myynnis


Voi riemua ja hammasten kiristystä()!: Elektro fluoro punx CD-versio nyt niinQ myynnissä naurettavaan vitsihintaan 5 euroa kappale. Saatavilla Taika-Kimiltä alan kesteissä ja muutenkin, esim: postitse (+pk, posti-mies ansaitsee näin palkkansa!!!111!9) tai kuriiritse (helsinki lähinnä). mailatkaa kim . ake @ helsinki . fi jos ette parempaa keksi. Jokaisesta levystä lahjoitetaan 5e allekirjoittaneen henkilökohtaiseen lompakkoon. Voi jee.