All posts by Taika-Kim

Trimurti 2011

Trimurti was absolutely fantastic! Thank you everybody for the incredible energy and response during my both sets, the mainfloor on the morning was a total blast, straight on hyperspace stuff 😀

Pictures are up at the parties section, take a look!

Also, WTF Trimurti != Trishula, I remembered I was at Trimurti last year too, but that was Trishula :D:D I’m so stoopid. But was the location the same? It looked the same definitely at least 😛

Well, now it’s back to slooowly, ever so slowly working on the new album, and the usual summer lazyness & stuff. I’m maybe coming later this year to Israel too, so keep an eye on those fliers!

Pictures section updated

OK, I spent an utterly boring afternoon and uploaded hudreds of pictures from all the parties in the recent years. Still need to do a few, but they’re almost all there! Enjoy and try to find yourself in as many pix as possible!

What else? All the planned parties for this summer have been cancelled, which is a shame, especially since I have been on counting on getting that money and spending accordingly. And I want to travel! So all prospective party organisers make note 😉

I finally also have more time now that I’ve graduated, so I’ve been thinking of releasing all my Psycle files for people who are interested in remixes and such. I don’t know though how much of use those files are, since the songs use a lot VSTs that people probably don’t have, and the worst of all because of the way Psycle handles automation, replacing the missing ones with something else will lead into the old automation still being redirected to the new machines, which gives for some interesting random effects… And since the automation data is interspersed with the note data in the patterns, removing the automation takes a lot of time too.

Still, I want to do that! I’ve also made new versions of some of my old tracks that I thought need reworking… I’ll think of how to release them, maybe make an own Bandcamp page just for the new versions so they’re easy to find and I’ll keep the old albums as a kind of snapshots of the time when I released them…

That’s all, have a nice day and remember to love your garden! And if you don’t have one, get one, it’s great 🙂

Site problems

Hi people!

I know many people have been wondering what is up with the site and the malware that many virus scanners report.

Well, that’s something I haven’t had any time to research because of other stuff in life, but now I’m graduated and unemployed so hopefully I can try to sort the site out.

What’s up otherwise? I’ve got something over 300€ as donations from the latest album, so it’s possible I might be able to do the CD this year. Also I will touch up some of the tracks now that I’ve had time to test them on dancefloors. Yes this all might seem like a slow process in the world of today, but hey, that’s my way. Speed and efficiency is overrated these days…

About next summer I still don’t know, there has been talk about Belgium, Russia and maybe Turkey, but we will see. I’m very open to all ideas! Especially I would like to come over to Macedonia, Slovenia and that general direction, so if somebody over there is reading this, drop a few tracks to your favourite party organiser and give a hint about me 😉

Also, I’ve begun working on some new tracks, and also making some music for a computer game, more on that later I hope.

Peace & take care!

Summer 2010

I’m playing next weekend at the Trishula festival, be there if you happen to be around!


The new album is ready and mastered, I’m now trying to push the whole packcage together, so we can enjoy
the relese still this summer!

I will also perform at THE outdoor event of the year in Finland, Metsäfestiwaal:

Participation highly recommended!

That’s all, CU in a few days on the dancefloor 😀

New t-shirt models on sale!

New t-shirts are available! I have a small additional batch of 10 totally unique shirts with tie dye colours and hand stenciled organic white and GOLD patterns.

These are now sold out!


Ja kiitos kaikki ihanat ihmiset myös tämän kuun bileistä, on ollut ERI hauxaa soitella kotomaassakin välillä 🙂