Ookooooo! Huomenna Darksidessä vanhan koulun goaa ja suomisoundia, ite meinaan vetää varmaan jotain uusia folkkipainotteisia stygejä kokeeksi ja kevään kunniaksi tuolla!
In the past year I flew a few times, and rode buses, trains and cars in order to bring my beats to you, my dear lovely people.
This all is bad mojo for the planet, so it’s again time to offset some of this.
So I paid 50€ to Luonnonperintösäätiö, a non-profit foundation that buys off land for protection in Finland, with the emphasis on old growth forests. While to outsiders Finland may seem like the magical country of old forests and trolls, almost no old forests stand anymore elsewhere than the most northern parts of the country. In South Finland, less than 0,5% of the forests can be classified as old (150+ years), and only about 5% in the whole country. Here’s a good article about the situation with an English summary by Ilkka Hanski, one of the most (if not the most) respected ecologists of the country.
Also I sent 75$ to The Altai Project, an US based non-profit working under the Earth Island Institute. They do invaluable work in protecting the fragile and unique nature of the magical Altai mountain country.
While this may not be much, it’s still a gesture, and as they say, small streams flow down into big rivers…
The powers against our Mother Earth are strong and relentless, and they will stop at absolutely nothing except the peoples’ unwillingness to let the destruction go on. Just as an example, the location of Khan Altay has now been destroyed completely, and the land around the area is for sale. I had a hard time facing this last winter, my heart just can’t accept the fact that a few powerful individuals can choose to do such things. So, before “the massive tourist potential” of the Altai area is harnessed, there still are possibilities for protecting this unique land. More sad pics from the location are at Dmitry’s blog.
Yeaaaaai, Ticon pelasi aika varman päälle, ei noissa biiseissä paljon riskejä tai taiteellisia vapauksia otettu, mutta toimi silti niinkuin sveitsiläinen kello 🙂 Todellinen voittaja oli joka tapauksessa itselleni Darth Phader, ysärin alkupuolen proto-trance oli jotain aivan mahtavaa, sääli etten kuullut setistä kun lopun. Ja Golanin lopetus oli kanssa aivan mahtava, hauska kuulla goaakin goabileisä välillä.
Itse soitin sekaisin matskua uudelta albumilta ja lisäksi uudelleenmasteroituja versioita vanhoista Summamutikan biiseistä, joista olen siivonnut hermoille käyvää pilipalimeininkiä vähän pois… Noistakin ehkä tulossa joku julkaisu joskus, kun ehdin vähän kokeilemaan noita bileissä. Kiitos kaikille läsnäolleille energioista tanssilattialla!
Hey, just some update about what’s going on right now.
I made that donation for Finnish ancient forests, 500€ from the latest gig fee + generous donations from friends made the fact happen that approx. 1000m^2 of Finnish old growth forest will be protected! Thank you everybody who made this happen!
Trance.lation goes as such: “Kim Åke has done a donation to Luonnonperintösäätiö, by which 1000m2 of Finnish ancient forest is going to be protected. The fund aquires permanent protection to all of the forests under it’s ownership. Luonnonperintösäätiö thansk you warmly for your donation for endangered forests in their natural state.”
The new album is going on great, I hope it would be a new Goddess Guerrilla, I have for the first time in six years or so comfortable space for working and mixing, and I’ve been getting some proper analog gear so I think it’s something to look forward to! ETA somtime next spring/summer.
I have also been doing remasters of many old tracks that are unplayable because of bad sound/mixing, I was thinking of making a separete release of them, once I have enough…
The CD version of Kotiin haltiakansan luo is finally happening, but I want still to work on some of the tracks… The quality is still not up to the level that would warrant a proper CD release. So keep waiting 🙂 I think this might be out in the spring too. Or then maybe make a double release from that and the new album? Will have to see.
It’s 21.12. soon, that means the winter solstice and the end of the world/dawn of a new era/doomsday of foil hat people… So light some candles and tell people they are beautiful, we need to support each other in the middle of this most dark time of the year! (yeah still waiting for snow here this year….)
I will donate my latest gig fee from the Belgium gig IN FULL to Luonnonperintösäätiö, to protect old growth forests in Finland. The sum is 300€, which totals to about 600 square meters of forest in average.
However, I will take on donations for two weeks before I pay, so you can contact me if you want to participate. (paypal, IBAN transfer)
Viulukkalampea ennen majavan tuloa. 11.6.2006 Ilpo Piiroinen.Mäkrämäki on Luonnonperintösäätiön 28. suojelualue ja toinen Etelä-Karjalassa
Every 5€ buys 10 more square meters of endangered old growth forests in Finland.
The fund I’m supporting works by buying old growth forest, and then setting it aside for protection. There’s little expenses, so most of the money actually go into buying land!
I will wait until 1.12. if other people want to participate, and then transfer 300+ all donations to the organisation.
Finland is often seen and advertised abroad as a country filled with vast wilderness areas, when in fact in southern Finland less than 0,5% of the forested areas can be considered as old growth (past the usual age of a forest “ripe” for commercial logging). And of these old growth forests, even fewer can be considered as so-called wilderness forests, where there are no signs of human activity.
In the long run, goal is to set 10% from my profits aside for purposes like this. Im recent years I’ve been so chronically poor though, that this has not been possible. So I consider this a delayed payment from the last few years 🙂
The latest (direct, it’s important!) flight to Brussels generated en estimated 370kg of co2 emissions. Old growth forests have been estimated to tie in around 2+ tonnes of co2/year/hectare. So 600m^2 is about 1/17th of a hectare, using this data I could say that the flight will be offset in less than three years. AND remember that if that same are would be felled, it would generate 12 tonnes of co2!
AND the fact that about 30% of all endangered species in Finland depend on old growth forests! AND the fact, that old forests are plain awesome! And I want to preserve awesomeness in all it’s forms 😀
And what else…? The gigs in Belgium and at Playground in Helsinki went great, it was fun to test the new tracks on the dancefloor, and play some more peaceful 8-bit style sounds for a change 🙂
The new album is progressing, still about 60% done, now been honing the tracks already finished before moving to new stuff. Style will still be closer to Kotiin haltiakansan luo, meaning more peaceful and atmospheric stuff as opposed to my old acid tracks… BUT! I have started aquiring analog gear & am building my own modular synth, so I’ve been thinking of doing a new Summamutikka album, throwing all stupid artistic ideas away, and just make an albums worth of blasting crazy morning acid tracks 😀 And also probably make new versions of some old Summamutikka tracks, there’s some material on the albums that seriously would be playable if I just mastered it again, and added maybe some analog bubbly sounds to give some colour to Dream Station’s signature sound…
Kiitos ihmeiset, oli ihan sikasiistiä soittaa, ja meininki kohdallaan! Dekot näytti hyvältä, ja sunnuntain kolehtibileissä oli kyllä jotenkin omanlaisensa rento groove päällä. Kansa, vaatikaa lisää!
Ylläripylläri! Jos viime kerta jäi väliin, ja 26. päiväkään ei onnistu, on nyt kaikille yksi syy lisää tulla huomisen bileisiin. Ihan kun Laughing Buddhan live ja goa-retrohuone ei olisi tarpeeksi, soittaa meikäläinenkin tuolla yllärisetin 🙂 Ehkä täälläkin voi kuulla paloja uudelta levyltä…
Paikka Kaivohuone, päivä siis 19.3., lisää infoa täältä.