All posts by Taika-Kim

Audio crafting #5 – Bitwig 2.5 generative music primer

This will be a tutorial on a way to create generative music on Bitwig.

It will sound like this:

Everything here is written from the point of view of version 2.5 and upwards. Later versions might have different tools with what to expand of this considerably (The Grid in V3, etc). There’s a link to the completed project at the end of the post.

We need:

Continue reading Audio crafting #5 – Bitwig 2.5 generative music primer

Hippie Tipi & Puzzle Effect 7.-8.-12.

I have some new music I wrote as Summamutikka that I tried out already at Kosmos and Lost in Summertime earlier this year, cool to see how they work out this time 🙂 I haven’t been terribly active writing trance, as I’ve been writing an album of more slow, organic music under a new project name. Anyway, I have all the classics coming up, and possibly a few small new bits.

Oh, and 8.12. is “The day of Finnish music” officially in Finland. So, what could be a more suitable day?-)

Audio Crafting #4 – Building a wavetable oscillator in Bitwig

I saw many people requesting that Bitwig would get a native wavetable synth.

So here’s just how to do one yourself, and also load wavetables from Komplexer, Serum and other wavetable synths.

(Notice that this was written before the new Sampler with the cycles mode, which pretty much does this internally, so you’ll probably just want to use that! I’ll leave this here since Audio-Term is useful on it’s own right and great for generating wavetables!)

Continue reading Audio Crafting #4 – Building a wavetable oscillator in Bitwig

Summamutikka – Taii Kayka remastered!

Over the years the most requested thing have been better sounding versions of the Summamutikka tracks, since the original “mastering” that I did was pretty bad in 2001. So here is just that, enjoy!

A Home In The Stars EP

I’ve been quite busy with my thesis and the Complete Discography project for the last two years, so there hasn’t been much time for new music. But I’ve been finishing off old things, so I can make space for something more novel. Here’s two tracks that I started two years ago, along with some remixes I’ve made of my older music:

Rest assured, I have a lot of new ideas cooking, time will tell when I have something finished to show. I hope to have at least a two track EP out from my new project by the end of the year, but we’ll see.

The Complete Discography project was a great success, thank you to everybody who contributed. Creating the stems for my old tracks was a much more daunting process than I initially expected. I must have spent somewhere near 200 hours on that one, but I’m really happy we did it together! Having those stems is a good thing for me, because now I can remaster some of my old tracks that, to be honest, don’t sound that good because at that time I didn’t have a very clear idea about mastering music.

Aavepyörä – Complete Works USB

The complete discography with all of Aavepyörä´s music is now finally available in lossless FLAC format. Available also in a deluxe version with separated stems for several songs, and with a poster featuring the artwork of the last album. Also included is over 2,5 hours of unreleased and new tunes. As a special content, I decided to put out also the very first Aavepyörä album, previously only released in a limited CDr format, and which was never available from the website.

The project was at Indiegogo, but now expired!

You might be able to buy it from someone used, or you can also download the whole thing free from the Internet Archive.

Lau Lau 11.5.2016

So, it´s going to be a hot dancefloor again in Israel this spring:


Other news? Well, a few parties that are yet to be officially announced, but this one in Finland for example will be great I think:

Other than that, no new music or much else. I´ve been busy moving my house and studio (again!), I´m writing my master´s thesis, and so on… But I have a ton of ideas, I hope to get back to music as soon as possible, maybe next winter or so.