OK, Space of Joy went fine, the set was one of my best, at 11 am with at least 30 degrees in the shadow, and people just still going wild!
So thank you for the organisers, all the party people, and especially all who took care of me when the sickness hit me 😛 Phew, that was rough, but then again, I think almost everybody were sick at one point or another…
I have uploaded the pictures, and also the pix from the BK Family 6 years festival and the 6th Sun festival… In the usual place!
Next coming up the Moondrops party near Jerusalem, with Afgin, whee 😀 So all oldschool lovers, be there!
There might be a festival in Russia in the beginning of September, I saw myself already on the lineup, but the organisers haven’t really contacted me yet. I’ll try to be there, but it’s going to be tricky for several practical reasons… :/
Other than that, I finally seem to have some money saved up so I might be able to buy headphones and continue writing music 🙂 Yai! I’m continuing in my school for the next year, but I hope to do more music this coming winter… And also there is coming up the comp with some exciting tracks from me & several friends around the globe 😉 Stay tuned, I’ll try to fix that one up after I come from Israel and get the moving to my new apartment (again….) done.
Oh and I put up some video at Youtube too… Looks crappy, I’m adding the original one to my gallery soon…