Taika-Kim & Aavepyörä present a musical travelogue:
All tracks written between June-September of 2008 in Little Piggy Tracker, running on the GP2X Linux console.
Tracks feature 8 channels of samples, and as it has been before, that’s just about enough… Altough on the remastered versions I used a lot of VST effects.
Since there is no sample editor for the GP2X all samples were used “as is”, even though I know that in some sounds some offline editing would do good. Most of the sounds came from analog synths.
You need to run Little Piggy Tracker from the /bin directory in the archive to listen to the music of the original music disc edition. Short instructions are:
select the tune you want to listen with the arrow keys, and press “a” to load it. “space” is song start/stop. “left ctrl+arrow up/down” toggles between the song screen and the song menu.
Read the rest from the online documentation… Or even better, buy a GP2X, load up some samples, and start creating music where ever you go!
All music is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license
Download the music in Little Piggy Tracker format in one ZIP packcage. (74mb)
Tracklisting of the music disc edition:
1 – Everything’s still fine
2 – Until the lasers of this world blaze no more
3 – Lazy on the best days of summer
4 – Tie ja vaeltaja
5 – Every hippie needs a home or a few
6 – Black stars, white sky
7 – Pirates of Fox Bay
8 – The uncounted scales of the multihued dragon that lies between the dimensions
9 – Survival of the free
10 – Searching for Shambhala
11 – Some reasons to spend time in trains